Thursday, March 27, 2008

Why is "Good" Music so Bad?

I've noticed a pattern from years of analyzing music. It seems that the music that is created in the hopes of doing the most good is often the least desirable to listen to. Sure, this is just my opinion but I think CD and ticket sales support this. Personally, I've found myself, on many occasions, singing along to a song whose lyrics I totally disagree with simply because the beat or hook was so darn catchy (see Jay Z or Little Wayne (trust me, I'm not throwing my hard earned dollars to "make it rain" in nobody's strip club - but damn if I don't sing the joint when it comes on )). On, the flip side, I've turned from many a radio station playing music with lyrics that were right on point - all because the music was just not appealing. This is just my personal experience so don't be offended but this is best exemplified by my love/hate relationship with Gospel music.

I'm a Christian who believes in Jesus and loves to read the Bible. But Gospel music just does not do it for me. As a producer, I find so much of the music dated. As a songwriter, I find many of the lyrics lacking in originality (The Bible has over 1000 pages in it people. Surely, there's more to talk about than "He's been good", "I'm blessed", and "It's gonna be alright". ) And though there are a few gospel artists like Fred Hammond that I find totally original, for the most part I find the "Inspirational" genre quite uninspiring.

And is this the way that it's supposed to be? Should I be more inspired by Jay Z then Donnie McClurkin? And why is it that I am? Is it because the Devil controls the music industry and therefore his people get all the cool toys to produce with? Are we all just pawns of the evil record labels who have trained us to love what they tell us to? Or, is there really a serious gap in the quality of "positive" and "negative" music.

Maybe it's a little of both. However, as creators of music (or other art forms for that matter) how do we ensure that our music "for good" is up to par with the worldly standard? Because it seems to me, that if we want to make music that will affect the masses, then we have to make music that will actually "reach" the masses. What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Purpose Driven Art

I think it was about a year ago when the book, "A Purpose Driven Life" was all the rage. I read it a few months ago and was quite affected by it. I really like the idea of looking at our life and our daily decisions though the lens of our own specifically defined purpose.

And for me, my purpose is to make music. I know this like I know my name. For me, songwriting is not just a passion, it's my calling. But even my purpose has a purpose. Because, I could just write songs about anything. But, that wouldn't soothe the fire in me. I have to know that what I create, somehow lights another star in the dark of night. I have to believe that my works pay homage to the spirit that entrusted me with this ability.

And that is why I created this blog, to give voice to this passion within me. I do it in hopes that there are others who feel the same way. I hope to discover others who believe in their special abilities and are determined to use them to positively affect the world around them.

I should say, I'm not one of those who believe that all art must be purposed-base, or thought-provoking, or spiritual. I think there is room for the frivolous, the inane and even the vulgar. It does seem to me though, that the field is very imbalanced right now. I think this is especially the case in the area of commercial music. In fact, of all the producers and songwriters and singers/rappers that I know, I can't think of many who feel compelled to make any particular statement with their art. Most just want to "get on" and they're willing to do it "by any means necessary" (sorry Malcolm). Again, not that I blame them. It just seems that I should know more people with the right balance of both talent and purpose.

Anyway, we'll see if my little light in the blogosphere attracts any like-minded moths. I'm hopeful.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


It's been long time since I've run a blog. I've been busy making music but I haven't really had anything specific to talk about. Anyway, this idea really just hit me today. And, being the gemini that I am, I had to drop everything I was supposed to be working on and get this blog going.

So, I feel I'm a very creative person. In addition, I believe strongly that I can use my creative talents to change the world around me. I'm not a pessimistic person at all. I look at the world rather soberly and I'm aware of the many manners of evil in it. Still, I believe that I've been blessed with gifts that can affect people and so my lifelong struggle has been to figure out how to become just such a change agent.

That's what this blog is about - the struggle to affect change through artistry. It's what my life is dedicated to and through this blog, I hope to meet up with others who have a similar passion.

Personally, I make music. That's my art. But I think this struggle applies whether you're a painter, a writer, a sculptor, photographer, illustrator, filmmaker, etc.. If you believe (or want to believe) in the power of art to transform, then I hope you'll join me here. Let's be friends.