Saturday, March 22, 2008


It's been long time since I've run a blog. I've been busy making music but I haven't really had anything specific to talk about. Anyway, this idea really just hit me today. And, being the gemini that I am, I had to drop everything I was supposed to be working on and get this blog going.

So, I feel I'm a very creative person. In addition, I believe strongly that I can use my creative talents to change the world around me. I'm not a pessimistic person at all. I look at the world rather soberly and I'm aware of the many manners of evil in it. Still, I believe that I've been blessed with gifts that can affect people and so my lifelong struggle has been to figure out how to become just such a change agent.

That's what this blog is about - the struggle to affect change through artistry. It's what my life is dedicated to and through this blog, I hope to meet up with others who have a similar passion.

Personally, I make music. That's my art. But I think this struggle applies whether you're a painter, a writer, a sculptor, photographer, illustrator, filmmaker, etc.. If you believe (or want to believe) in the power of art to transform, then I hope you'll join me here. Let's be friends.

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