Saturday, May 10, 2008

So sorry for the extended delay

So many thing happened just one after the other.

First I released a single from the solo project I'm working on. I just wanted to test market before I got too deep in the project and see what kind of reactions I could get. Well I totally underestimated the kind of guerilla marketing that would be involved even for test marketing a new song. It totally consumed all my days and evenings for a few weeks. Fortunately, the efforts paid off and my song "Thank You" went to #1 on's Hot R&B chart within a couple weeks.

Here's a copy of the song you can hear.

So the response has really encouraged me and I'm hard at work finishing up my debut solo project. I've come to see that I have my hands in a lot of jars between the music recording, this blog and the radio show. But I'll try to make sure that these don't suffer too much.

Actually, that wasn't the only reason why I've been MIA. Last week, I moved across town, just outside north east Atlanta. And I guess the combination of moving and allergies was a bit much for my system cuz I've been laid out for about a week with a really bad sinus infection or something. It's been pretty bad and I've been coughing up things that I'm pretty sure should not be inside me.

The good news is that I'm definitely on the upswing of recovery and expect to get back to 100% in the coming days.

Oh yeah. I wanna shout out Bruce Warila who writes one of my favorite blogs on the music industry. He stopped through and commented on the blog and that was a pleasant surprise. Check out his blog when you can. He has great ideas for promoting music in this new environment.


Anonymous said...

Wow, good song! That's awesome you got a good response to it, i hope the rest of the project is as successful.

Good luck with the allergies; it's been rough up here in DC as well but we've been getting a lot of rain as well to wash the pollen out. Speaking of storms, be safe from all that crazy weather you got down Atlanta way.

Eric from MD

Eric Campbell said...

Thanks Eric. I didn't really get affected by the storms at all. Yeah, maybe we need some more rain. Almost everyone I know has some kind of bad cold or allergy attack going on. Really crazy right now.

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric! Congratulations on a great song -- love the feel and the mood it evokes. Must feel fantastic to go through the whole creative process and then wrap up something that you're happy with.

Take care of yourself. Energy isn't infinite -- gotta spend it in the right way. Hope you're feeling better. There is weird stuff in the air. Scary how much actually!

Have been meaning to connect up at more length, but so far just swimming against the tide. Will get to it. Keep up the good work!!

Mark (from Rockville)

Eric Campbell said...

Thanks Mark. Really appreciate the comment. It does feel good to get something out of me. Now I'm trying to get the rest out. Trying not to be too anxious.

Would love for you to expound on your "Energy isn't infinite" theory. I think its something I need to hear.

Anonymous said...

You know it's funny, I was telling Mark that when I heard the song, it sounded like classic R&B to me. And I was going to post that but decided not to do so because I wasn't sure what I meant by that. mark and I had a discussion about labels and how you classify a style and I wasn't sure if that's what defines or describes your song.

All I know is, it's evocative to ME of what I heard growing up and the R&B "sound" or style that I like: 70's era. Granted you didn't have a horn section but I did like the strings!

Eric from MD

Eric Campbell said...

Thanks Eric. I appreciate the comment (and sorry for taking so long to respond back). I've gotten a number of similar comments about the style. The most common labels I've gotten is "soulful" and "smooth". I know labeling is hard. And it's really hard to label an artist when you only hear one song. When the project is finished I think it will be easier. Other songs lean a little more on the hip hop side but I like to blend genres and I think I pull influences from different places.